Wednesday~ Goodbye February

the last day of february has been a gusty and brutal
i've always heard it said, if you don't like the weather in the midwest, wait until the next day arrives, the month of february has been up and down with her temperament, mostly however she has been kind to us with more Spring like days than not...
but today....
today she was angry, i guess she isn't quite in the mood to leave us yet...
however, i am in the mood for March to get here, so Goodbye February and thank you for being so kind to us....

today was a good day spent with my Mama. I took her over to the "Element Tea & Wine" place that opened up a few weeks ago, Jen had taken me there a couple of weeks ago and i knew right as i walked in the door, it would be a nice place my mom would like. and she did. it was quiet and serene and she loved the tea i ordered for her, it was a lemon-pear flavored and i had a cucumber & mint  that was quite good. 
after we were blown out the door, and i mean that quite literally, lol, we headed to the grocery store. we went the Hy Vee on 53rd street and boy is that one nice compared to the one we have closer to home. seriously they have everything in there.  it would have taken me 3 hours probably to go through the whole store like i would have wanted, but since my mom tires easily, i had to rush through it. and its super nice they have a Starbucks in the store!
extra bonus for me there :) we sadly went over to the "Christian Book Store" that is going out of business, that is deeply saddening. I shop there a lot and they have such nice things Im so 
disappointed to see it go, even though Barnes & Noble have a good selection, the Christian Book store carries more items than just books.


 So tomorrow March rolls in, and from checking my weather app, it looks as if shes coming in like a lion, grrrr
March is iffy, you just never  quite know whats she going to do....
regardless im glad i got all my errands done today so tomorrow i can stay inside.


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