....In A Slump....

the beauty of summer is here in full force and along with that is humid and hot sticky weather...the air conditioners have been running non stop for days now and it doesn't look like any relief will be upon us anytime soon...

i bought blueberry cobble coffee at the coffee cafe yesterday, came home and brewed a pot and stuck it in the refrigerator for iced coffee this morning...
it was a tiny bit of heaven....i took it out on the back porch while it is still tolerable outside, drank my morning coffee and casually flipped through my backed-up email....

ive been keeping busy with work and have not been writing a lot lately. . . somehow i feel the words are just not there...they are floating around but i can't seem to nail them down with how im feeling lately....in a slump and 

Saturday was: cleaning off the ton of files cluttering my computer it only took  6 hours
lazy morning and meeting up with the bestie for a coffee date at the new coffee cafe across the street
a quick trip to the store for dinner ingredients, and picking up meds
it was too hot to cook so we grilled out steaks and pork chops
and a night in bed watching episode after episode of  "The Sons of Anachary" 
 i finished up all 10 seasons of, "The Supernatural" so had to find a new show
to get into....

Sunday...blue skies and a slight breeze...and thick humidy clinging to your skin
the leaves on my lemon tree outside are hanging on the ground (still no lemons)  and i have to water my flowers nightly because the heat has been unbearable ..sweat beads drip down your face when only out for a few mins.... it doesn't even pay to put on make-up  it runs down your face after 10 minutes of being outside..oh the sweet joys of summer....
it'll be a day of staying inside, reading and watching tv.....

i was so hoping for a cool nice summer this year but...not happening...the downside of living in the midwest i assume....



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