Bits of pretty

after days of being stuck in the house, mainly because ive been extremely lazy and because the weather has not been great, i had to get out to day and catch up on errands.
on my way out the door i threw my fuji camera in my purse just incase i saw some signs of Spring popping up and sure enough i spotted that tree up top with the pretty pastel pink flowers blooming.
saw those pretty flower garden roses at the grocery store and had to get a few to sprinkle around the house. im dreaming in hazy pastels lately...maybe cause thats what i think spring looks like.
hazy, pink sunsets, soft gentle rain (although it can stop raining for awhile) I think we've had enough rain the last 2 weeks to last us for 2 months.
Im so ready to plant my garden, have my morning coffee on the back porch
wait for the locusts to come and lull me to sleep at night!
gosh i can't wait for summer...but i don't want any 90 degree days dripping with heavy humidity
...i can't do those days....


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