Welcome Baby Legend (Birth)

the last week has been a whirlwind of one surprise after another.
Last Tuesday I ended up taking my Mom to the ER at 11:30 PM after getting a phone call from her doctor telling us that her potassium was off the chart and to get to the hospital immediately. So I was up there with her until she got admitted and finally got back home at around 3:00AM.
She was there for 3 days, released on Friday afternoon.
Thursday night Caitlin calls, says, "Mom I think I'm in labor." She 34 weeks pregnant so baby still had another 6 weeks to stay where he was.
So we go up to the hospital at 10:30PM, they hook her up to the monitors, check her cervix, sure enough, she is in labor. They admit her and I get back home around 4AM Friday morning. They kept her on Magnesium sulfate for 48 hours to get 2 doses of steroids pumped into her to improve baby's lung function. Friday afternoon at 4pm they turned off the magnesium to see what her body would do. she was dilated to a 5 by this time with contractions coming every 2 minutes. they broke her water and 5 hours later little man was here! Praise the Lord, he is doing so well. Novie got to go up today and meet her little brother but she was more interested in how much trouble she could get into. Oh that girl keeps me on my toes. Caitlin was discharged today but things will be hectic for awhile as she has to run back and forth to feed Legend because she is breastfeeding.
So, Novie will be hanging out with Nannie and Poppie for awhile. Hopefully little man will be able to come home in a couple weeks!

Novie and I headed to the grocery store after meeting little brother and then played outside, came in got cleaned up, ate dinner and it was time for bed.
Lord, thank you for these beautiful grandchildren you have blessed me with.
My life has been a struggle this last week with some personal stuff I'm not going to get into, but if you are a praying person, a child of God, I would greatly appreciate some uplifting prayers on my behalf.
Thank you so much.


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