As Life Unfolds.

Life happens when we aren't paying attention. It's in the smallest of details that the best memories are made. 
Last year I took a break from shooting clients and booking Weddings. I felt like I needed a fresh perspective and a break from all the chaos going on at the time.

I find it so intriguing how we change and grow and look at things so differently than we did say 5 years ago.
This year I vow to be the best version of myself that I can be. I'm going to look in the mirror and make a effort to change what I don't like. I'm going to be more generous with my time, and my money. I'm going to be that girl that steps out when she's uncomfortable. I'm going to be that girl who won't settle for less than she deserves. I won't tolerate anyone disrespecting me or wasting time with anyone who isn't putting an effort into growing as well.
None of us are perfect. We never will be. But God gives enough GRACE every day to cover that. I think the most we can do is try to be the best version of ourselves that we can be. what do you think?



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