Beautiful September 2024

Beautiful September.
 We are 9 days in. 3 days will be my Mama's birthday and her 4th one in heaven. Our family always made a big deal out of Birthdays!  And my sweet Mama, (God bless her)blessed her with 94 birthdays. God blessed me with so many wonderful times to celebrate her, and to love on her. Next month will be 4 years without her and there is not a day goes by that my heart doesn't ache for her.

One year ago, I lost my twin sister. Another hard one to accept. Although I expected my Mama's death was pending because of her age and to a degree I had also expected my sister's death. But you are never really prepared when it comes. To this day I still have a rough time facing my sister's death. My head knows it, my heart on the other hand refuses to acknowledge it.
Hallelujah thank you, Jesus I will one day embrace them again. What a glorious day in paradise that will be.

The weather the last few days has been wonderful. Windows open and breezes blowing in. Grateful for these days of September & October. My favorite months of the year!  Warm days and cool nights. Days to get out of the house with my little loves. My beautiful, spunky grandkids who undoubtedly have my whole heart. We took them to "Pioneer Days" where they learned how people survived in the 1800's. They went inside what the old school looked liked. that was a winner cause they got to draw on the chalkboards. They ran with the wind in their hair and rosy warm cheeks glowed from the sun.
they drank root-beer and danced in the grass. 

These are pictures from our first 9 days of September.
God Bless you all.



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