.....SOME DAYS......

some days i don't make the bed. some days i like the messiness that my family leaves behind. the crumbs on the kitchen floor because no one can wipe off the counters besides me. caitlin's socks are usually shoved in the couch cushions and shoes thrown in the foyer....
the trash can be overflowing and the toilet paper roll in the bathroom is empty (because no one can change the roll except for me, even though there is a basket filled with toilet paper  sitting right next to them)
dirty dishes pile up and they just walk right pass them....
sometimes i like that my house doesn't have to look perfect like a show room..sometimes i have to remind myself that people live here...and that is going to live traces behind....and you know what....thats okay...
when i was growing up my mother had a "formal" living room. We were not allowed to go into it. The only time it was used was for when she hosted bridge club. I always thought it was such a waste of space to have a room you couldn't  enter, and the lines in the white carpet had to be perfect...i vowed when i had my own home one day we would actually live in it....we would lay on the couch with a good book, or eat popcorn in the living room while we watched a movie....that it wasn't a big deal if one of the kids socks where laying in the living room or toys scattered around....
it took me a long time to be comfortable with the thought that everything didn't need to look perfectly cleaned, the coffee table didn't need to be shining and the pillows didn't have to sit perfectly....
it took me a long time to realize that this is not a house, its a home.
 to share with my family, and friends. 
 and most importantly to be comfortable


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