
yikes, i feel like i haven't written a blog post in ages. my last month has been a swirl of activity, moments of unbearable tiredness and running around like a crazy woman.
let's just say, lately i feel theres been a lot of things going on all at once.
my sister's girls were here for a week from LA for their grandmother's funeral. been busy with shoots and editing, just finished up my first wedding of the season and trying to prepare myself for the rest of them all the while trying to figure out if this really is the last year i want to shoot weddings.
Weddings are stressful, period. its a full day of shooting, and the arthritis in my hand has really been acting up lately. while most photographers love weddings, i on the other hand don't really like shooting them. double that if it's outside and 90 degrees. im on medication that makes me very sensitive to be in the heat so standing out there for 2 hours is not my idea of fun, all the while my makeup is running down my face and my hair goes flat...yeah not so much....
i tend to like the 1 hour shoot and the 1 hour editing that follows, lol.
okay, you can say it, im a whoose  
(did i even spell that right)
our spring has been days of rain, and i don't just mean rain, i mean buckets full of wet stuff crashing down in hard sheets...
while there are times that i love a day of rain and chilling on the couch, i can honestly say, im good for awhile now.
im so proud of my sister! its been almost 5 months that she has quit drinking (with one little slip-up) but im grateful. day after day i see a little more of the sister i grew up with again and i like it, i love it. for so many years i resented her for picking drinking over her kids, and her family. i missed the other half of me that i could run and tell my secrets too, the one who i had sleep overs with when our kids were little and we'd all pile into the bed and watch movies all night long.
i missed that sweet shy girl for so long....and im grateful and blessed to finally have her back once again, and i know i speak for her girls as well.
as my mother says: "I can die in peace now and not have to worry about Shelly"
and basically thats the truth...we all worried about her, every day, every night.
my life is more complete now that my sissy is back in it.


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