My Beautiful Mama

My Beautiful Mama
for all the days of my life, she has been my constant. a constant best friend, and mother.  when the world has been especially cruel and unfair, its my Mama who puts things back together for me.
_______________________________________________________________________ the past month has been a down hill slide for her, and for us as a family.
she just turned 91 years old in September.  she out-lived her 3 sisters and 1 brother. and she lived 2 years pass what her father did, he died at 89 years of age, and her mother died of congestive heart failure at 90 years of age. her husband died 18 years ago.

my mother has known  heartbreak of the ugliest kind. she buried her whole family and 2 years ago she buried her son, my brother. when you live to be this age, you see a lot of changes in your life, and you suffer a lot of heartbreaks along the way.
my mama has been the glue that has always held us together. 
yesterday was another 8 hours in the ER before she finally got a room. after running numerous tests they came back with a diagnosis of congestive heart failure. 
she has fluid build up on her lungs and they are doing everything they can to get it out of there. when i talked to her this morning, she was still having a hard time breathing but my mama is a fighter! and I've no doubt she will continue to fight to the end. her down-fault is her age. Im sure when you are 91 years old your heart is tired.
i want to THANK everyone who has commented on facebook, and sent love and prayers for our family during this difficult time. you will never know how greatly appreciated it truly is.


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