11 Months with Novah Jo

How is it even possible that we have had 11 glorious, joyful, meaningful months with our sweet girl, Novah Jo? it's hard to grasp the fact that in 3 weeks she will be 1 year old.
She is changing so much every day. She's a speed crawler now and she's good at pulling herself up on the furniture and cruising along but still hasn't take that first step by herself yet.

She says, "Nana, Pretty, Dadee, Mama, Mazzy (the dog)
Just in this last week she has started becoming a mommy's girl.
Caitlin can't walk out of the room without her crying now.
She loves her stuffed animals and soft blankets. If she sees a blanket on the couch she will go lay her head down in it.

Also in this last week we have noticed quite a little tempter with this one when she doesn't get her way.
She loves food. She has 4 teeth (2 on top, 2 on bottom)
we are transitioning from the bottle and formula to a sippy cup and whole milk now. I don't think she's made up her mind on whether she likes milk or not yet.
Everything is exciting, and new and she makes the most out of her days trying to figure things out. 

Oh, I wish so many wonderful things for you my little one.I pray that God will watch over and keep you safe from all harm, sickness and evil. I pray that you always know how very much you are loved.
I hope you enjoy the 'simple' things in life and have a love for Jesus.

thank you, Lord for this beautiful child we get to do life with!


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