Autumn Days with my girl Teag

so hard to believe she is 2 years old already. really makes me stop and think about how fast time really does go by. My girl, Teag stayed all night last night and we had a girls day today. First on the list was LUNCH! then some shopping for new clothes

Caitlin & Novah moved, and I'm having mixed feelings about that. I miss my girls desperately, but there are times I enjoy the peacefulness in the morning, having my coffee and doing my bible study.
But then I miss going in and seeing Novah's bright face in the morning, standing in her crib, arms outstretched saying, NANNIE. I miss our family dinners together. I miss Novie running thru the hall calling, Nannie. A little game her and I played. I miss her playing on the floor beside me while I was working. I miss running up and grabbing her from behind and smothering those chunky cheeks with kisses.

It's more difficult than I thought it would be being empty-nesters. No kids at home anymore. On the plus side, the house stays cleaner . But after 32 years of having children home, it feels quiet. sometimes eerie quiet. 

The weather is starting to get down into the 30's at night now. I think next weekend we turn back our clocks an hour, so basically it will be dark at 5:00PM. Winter is pushing her way in.
I don't even know where the Summer went. I feel as if I sleep thru the whole thing.
It was hot & humid and rainy this year. Most of the summer we had to have the air on (and I hate that) Now it's too cold to open windows...go figure. I was hoping for a nice Indian Summer but it doesn't look like we are going to get that. Weather has been weird lately. There is no "normal" anymore.

Slowly trying to get back into working. I took the summer off this year. I had a lot of family stuff going on and it felt nice to have the time off, even if i didn't do anything.
But I'm ready to pick up my camera and get back into the swing of it.
Being a photographer is so hard these days. All the "newbie" photographers who just got their first DSLR camera and practically giving away shoots for experience which is fine, hey I get it. I started there too. I guess I just wish people wouldn't complain about the higher end of photographers and really appreciate the amount of experience, time, money, and talent we have wrapped in this business. We are literally stopping a moment in time for you to treasure for the rest of your life.

My dad was a photographer, owned a quite popular studio here in my area and you know whats really sad? there are hardly any pictures of my sister and I's childhood. I think it's SO important to document your life, your children's life - ALL OF IT. the good, the hard, the sad because that's what makes up a life, little moments sprinkled here and there. the mundane, the normal because there will come a day when you'd wish you had - trust me.

I don't have a lot of photographs of my kids when they were little either. We had to take our kids to JC Penny's or Sears and get portrait shots, which by the way, I HATE.
I just love hanging out with a family on an average day and documenting YOUR LIFE as it unravels.  So yea, I'm getting out of Weddings and trying to focus more on the DOCUMENTARY aspect of photography.
So if you feel like hanging out for a couple hours, shoot me an email, or call me to set up a sessioin at 563.370.3422



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