Childhood Days with Novah

I rarely get a chance to sit down and write in my own little space anymore.
But today, I made time, after my little princess went home.
she stayed all night last night and ended up sleeping with nannie cause she wouldn't go to sleep in her own room. Somehow I think she knows Nannie has a soft spot for her.

Days with Novah are messy, and beautiful at the same time.  spending time with her is a chance for me to forget everything else and escape into wonderful days of ... nothing where pulling all the wet ones out of the container are the worse thing to happen.

Autumn came swirling in quickly this year with lots of rainy days and way cooler temps than are normal for this time of year. I don't think we have a normal anymore. I think mother nature decided to skip over Spring and Autumn. Summer hung on till she couldn't anymore. and now winter is quickly shoving her way in. I'm not ready for her yet.
I want a beautiful Indian Summer with warm breezy days and cool nights. I want to drive the back country roads and stop, pull out my camera, and snap beautiful colors of oranges, browns, and reds to pull out during the grey days of winter.
It seems the older I get the more time escapes from my grasp. People come and go and hardly anyone stays anymore.  My circle of friends that I thought were my "die to the end" friends, really aren't. it's such a disappointment when you realize that other people are flawed, just like me. the people who i thought i knew, i never really knew at all.  or maybe they just changed over the years. we do that you know...people change. the years go by and we slowly change over time without even realizing it.

Maybe that's why I'm a photographer. for just a short amount of time I can freeze time. I can pull out a photo and instantly be reminded of that time in my life. I think our lives should be documented. and not just the good stuff, the messy stuff, the hard stuff, every single piece of it needs to be included. Because that's what makes a life. scattered moments here and there, the time we spend with our families. our friends and even strangers. Life is so precious and like it says in the Bible, it is like a vapor, gone before we really even got started.



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