Friday is...
Parts of Iowa are re-opening.
Anxious...cautious. trying to remain positive but going to error on the side of caution for awhile.Had to run to target today and most people were wearing masks. so i'm glad people are being smart.
definitely felt like summer today. upper 70's, windows open, birds chirping, trees blooming, flowers are planted in the window boxes. this weekend we will plant the tomato plants.

I think they are going to release my mom from the hospital tomm. so i'll have to go over to her house, grab some clothes, re-clean the bathroom with a bleach solution, then drop off her clothes and wait while she gets discharged. busy day.

i wandered around the garden shop today looking at all the flowers and plants and people were lined up for snow cones at the window. it felt good to be outside, wind blowing thru my hair. and the smell of fresh air.


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