Summer. Grief. Days with the girls.

 Well Summer is here in all her  HOT blazing heat. Already. So pretty much unless you are in a pool, lake, or river, not happening for this girl. I hate the humidity. I mean I can't take it, I get deathly sick. Autumn is my favorite time of year. Or it was until my mom died 7 months right dab smack in the middle of our favorite season. 6 weeks after her 94th birthday. Damn, I miss her. I miss her like a constant longing, a constant deep tug in my stomach. My heart, well it just aches all the time. And I'm learning how to live with that, as hard as it is I don't have a choice.

I'm getting better about forcing myself to get out and do things now that nicer weather is here. It's harder for me to sit around and do nothing. 

Tonight I took Alayna, Caitlin, Novah and Kaiden out to dinner and then for ice cream. But tonight I gotta tell ya, I'm really looking forward to laying around and relaxing. The last 2 nights Alayna and Novah stayed the night so this girl is tired and ready for some relaxation. I'm really hoping for a thunderstorm. We need the rain so bad.  

Make sure you celebrate all those awesome Dad's out there this weekend.  the ones who are actually there for their kids, love them and steer them in the right direction. We need more Dad's like this!



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