June | Summer| Days with Novah

 these day I try to be ALL present in the moment. Fully engaged and grateful for the special time and the gift of childhood.  Novah will be 3 on July 8th. 3 years is my most favorite time of childhood.
Novah is spunky, and soaks up knowledge like a sponge. always learning. she loves to play outside, she loves her stuffed animals  I am constantly cupping her little face into my hands and smothering her cheeks in Nannie Kisses. She stays all night at least once a week. She knows how to go potty on the Big potty now! She's pretty proud of herself for that. 

I can hardly believe we are at the end of June already. 2 more days will mark 8 months since my Mama has been gone. It still doesn't seem possible and my want and need for her grows everyday. I miss her so much.  It seems there is nothing but sadness around no matter where I turn. So much suffering in our world today. there are times I ask myself if it's all worth it or not.  the most joy I find these days are in my grandchildren and their innocence. 

My sister is struggling and seems to be getting worse and heading in a downward spiral every day.
she refuses to get help and I'm at a loss. I can't save her and she clearly doesn't want to save herself. She lives on self-pity, grief and drama.  I'm going to have to cut her out of my life because I just can't deal with it anymore. It's hard to watch someone destroy themselves and know there is nothing you can do.



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