The power of a Photograph

 6 years ago this was such a happy day for my family. My sister was the happiest I had seen her in years. Me and my Mama were so happy for her, we could rest from worry and sadness.

the power of a photograph is more than just a memory. it's a feeling, a warmth, a happiness you can feel again as if you were right back to that day.

since cell phones and computers people don't print photos like they use too, which is so sad. Because phones break, get lost, computers lose data and hard drives fail. Since these photos were taken 6 years ago, I'm the only person left on this earth. I've lost my Mama, my twin sister and my brother-in-law all within 3 years. I would give 10 years off my lifespan to have just this one day back. Where I enjoyed the day with my family but I didn't really enjoy it to the fullest like I would now that they are gone.

We live in such a scary world today. It seems every week I hear or know  of someone passing away suddenly and without any reason. 

Let this be a reminder to you to take those photos, and to PRINT them because you never know when you leave someone if it will be the last time you see them on this earth.

God bless you all


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