A Letter To My Cait

My Cait.
Thinks she has all the answers.
Is in love (so she thinks) for the first time.
Talks about this boy non-stop. And I do mean NON-Stop.
Is growing up before my very eyes.
Moody & Happy all within one minute.
Is stretching her wings and getting ready to fly
I'm not even near ready to let her go or to let her grow up.
She no longer runs to me when she gets hurt for me to kiss it and make it go away. She now knows that I can't fix everything and doesn't believe in fairy tales anymore. I can no longer pretend and tell her everything will be okay. She now knows that sometimes things won't be okay. That sometimes life is hard. I can't wrap my arms around her anymore and make everything wonderful again.
She spends a lot of time in her room now. Things I love about her:
her laugh and the way her face lights up when she's happy
the way she runs to the window when she hears the boy down the street come home
her spunkiness
her girly side
her pink & purple hair
her pink & purple hair
when she comes in and lays down with me and we cuddle
her zest for life
her dreaminess
the ability to be true to herself and stand out and be herself at all costs.
Her ability to be by herself and be content
Her gift for music (playing the guitar)
Her ability to be by herself and be content
Her gift for music (playing the guitar)
My girl Cait.
I'm crazy in love with her ♥
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