Days With Alayna

I can't believe in a mere ll days my Princess will be four years old.
Where has the last four years gone? It seems like yesterday Lex and I were walking the streets trying to get that baby to get here. But once labor started she didn't take long. 3 hours from start to finish.

The last four years with you Princess have been breath-takingly beautiful. You have taught me so much about living and all the truly wonderful and beautiful things there are in life. About childhood, how to enjoy the simple things in life. How to enjoy the wonderfulness of a simple giggle that comes from deep inside your tummy. How much I love laying in bed snuggling; just the two of us, sharing secrets and talking about your fears and your dreams...
How much beauty and joy you have brought into my life you will never know.
I love you Princess (to my moon) Forever


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