
My Princess

Spent this gorgeous warm spring day with my princess. This face, still steals  my breath and catches in my throat when I  look at her. Her spontaneity still can spread a mile wide smile across my face. And even after 5 years, I still cannot get enough of her kisses and her hugs.
My beautiful Princess is growing up so fast. I love our little talks in Nannie's bed, and her questions and answers as she rolls her eyes now - like a big girl.
She tells me of her school day and of her friends at school. 
She is such a little inquisitive child and the things that roll out of that little mouth most times have me rolling on the floor. 
Last Sunday, she was so funny. We had spent the day at the park and then went 
and got something to eat. Afterwards, her Mom had to stop at the store and pick
up a few more little surprises from the Easter bunny, so I stayed in the car with Alayna, and Rylee.
So her mom comes back out, pops the trunk and hides the bag back there. Alayna says, "What did you get?"  
Her mom replied, "Nothing, just a few things we needed at home."
So we get home and Alexis grabs the bag and heads into the house to hide the goodies that the Easter bunny will hide,  while I sit in the car with the kids waiting for her to come and get them.
The kids go in, and Alexis comes out to tell me good-bye. Not 2 seconds later, Alayna is standing at the screen door, yelling, "Mom, I found the Easter candy."  Alexis and I just looked and each other and I burst out laughing. Alexis says, "Alayna get in that house! You are in big trouble."
Needless to say my little Princess got sent to her room for the rest of the night.

Days with Alayna | Cherished.



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