
Tuesday - July 18, 2017
flash-back to 7 years ago almost to the husband had a heart attack  (and in between that time and now, he suffered one in between the 7 years and today) yesterday we were back up at the hospital with symptoms of another one on the way.  today we are waiting for the nurse to come and take him down to surgery when the doctor has a opening, they have to squeeze him in so it could be that it may not be till 10pm tonight....
to top that off my daughter alexis texts me this morning and tells me she thinks her water broke. she's 35 weeks pregnant and delivering at a different suppose to be shooting the birth of my granddaughter but who knows at this point now with everything else going on.  so needless to say im feeling pretty scattered today...
hoping and praying my daughter isn't in labor and praying for a good outcome on my husbands surgery..
so luckily my daughters water did not break and she was not in labor, Praise God! My husband got into surgery at 9pm last night. it was a long day and night-15 hours at the hospital. when they finally opened him up, he had 3 more blockages, so 3 more stents to the already previous 12...what a day...
today I am mentally drained. not much sleep for the last 2 days so Im just taking it easy and not doing much today. Richard was released this afternoon so maybe we can slowly ease back into "normal", whatever "normal" is, lol.
it is once again brutally hot today so no activities outside which sucks because being cooped up in the hospital for two days has me itching to get out and shoot.
i guess i can wish for baby teegan to get here soon!
so stay cool today peeps!
and live in the simple moments because you never know if it may be your last.


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