Days with Teag

Days with Teag~

most surely are the best days ever. It's hard to wrap my brain around the fact that she is almost 14 months old already. she is the most loveable, and happy girl I've ever seen.  she says, Hi now. She is amazed at her baby cousin, Novah.  she never sits down for one minute, unless she's eating, otherwise, she is on the go constantly. Nannie never gets to sit down and let's not even bring up the fact my house is a disaster. But I wouldn't trade these days for nothing in the world. Teag and Novah are only 11 months apart. I'm so excited for next year at this time when Teag will be 2 and Novah will be 1. What fun I am going to have with my baby girls. 
Alayna is growing up so fast. She's 10 now and I'm so thankful I got into photography when she was a baby. they are going to have so many wonderful memories to go thru when they get older. So blessed to have the beautiful experience I have with my grandkids. 

Autumn is hanging back a bit, just giving little peeks of herself now and then. I think early next week she will  make her grand entrance with temps in the upper 60s! And, yes, I am more than ready to greet her with open arms.  More than ready to bid summer farewell. She was brutal to us this year with temps in the 90s in May. She showed us no mercy, so I'm ready to greet Autumn with her glittered gold and copper skies, open windows and cool nighttime breezes. I'm ready for evening bonfires and warm drinks cuddled around smells of burning wood with family and good friends. 



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