My week in Photos

a long week filled with rain every day. and humidity. AC is running. Had 2 shoots scheduled for today and both cancelled.  So off to the bestie's I'm going for bible study and spaghetti squash for dinner.
Summer is approaching on us quickly with her high humidity and warm air. Since last summer we were forced to stay inside because of COVID, I'm anxiously awaiting to enjoy picnics at the lake, and street fests this year. 

I wish I had a little cottage in Maine where I could spend the summers. Maine Summers are filled with warm air, good food, and beautiful landscapes just waiting to be explored. 

this week will be busy preparing for a Wedding to shoot, catching up on filled laundry baskets, and possibly getting some spring cleaning done cleaning out dressers, and overflown junk drawers. It's amazing to me how much stuff people collect over a period of time.

Every day I still miss and ache for my sweet precious, Mama.  Friday will be 7 months she's been gone. It still is unbelievable to me that she is not here. I don't know what my mind is thinking or why I cannot accept this. You just always think your Mama is going to be here for you, but the reality is, SHE'S NOT.

have a lovely week friends


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