17 days I've walked this earth without my twin sister, my best friend, the person who knew me the best in the whole world. How does the world keep turning when I can barely take a breath  knowing you are not here. If I  could have went with you, I would have in a heartbeat.

Sissy, it's so hard. Why did you leave me?  My mind goes back to the countless amount of times I begged, I prayed, I pleaded with you to get help. I tried so hard to save you because I knew, I knew what losing you would do to me. And you knew you too because we talked about it.

I am so heartbroken and shattered right now. Your girls, Troy and I are just lingering in a mound of sadness that seems to get heavier day after day.

I'm so lost....words don't even convey how much I miss you. 


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