Revisiting Days With Alayna on Her 3rd Birthday ♥

I was going through archives last night when I came across Alayna's 3rd Birthday Photo Shoot. Of course I had to pop it into the computer and go through them all. Then I had to open them and re-edit some of my favorites.
I love age three.
I love the whimsy. The excitement of sharing new things with her for the very first time. The joy in my heart when she runs up and hugs my neck. Bedtime stories and our weekly routines.
Sunshine and Morning Smiles.
Giggles and grins. And when we lay in bed and share secrets. Or I tell her stories of when her Mommie was little. She loves to hear stories about that. And then she'll ask me where she was when that happened to her Mommy. And I'll tell her she was in heaven waiting to be born.
That we were anxiously wait for her to get her and loved her before she was even here.
Oh how I adore this special child. My Alayna.


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