
I don't really even know how to begin this entry other to say that I'm literally heartbroken. This is my neighbor and good friend, Laura. She moved in 7 months ago. Pregnant and with her awesome husband, Aaron. Little did I know at the time what a Huge impact they would end up having on my life.
I still haven't figured out why God chose them to be a part of my life but I know that it was for some reason special. And I know that even though we have only known them for 7 short months that deep in my heart they will remain forever.
They have taught me more about compassion, love, and true friendship, the act of giving and caring for others than anything has my whole life.
These truly great 2 people just strolled into my life and turned it upside down.
Last year at Christmas when I was going through a ruff time and wasn't in the 'Christmas spirit'. They, my daughter Caitlin came over to my house one night when I was out and decorated my whole house, top to bottom to help get me in the spirit. To this day they will never truly know how special that act of kindness meant to me. No one has ever just gone out of their way to do something that special for me just to make me happy without something in return. And to see Laura's face light up and dance around the room at my happiness brings a tear to my eye.
To say that tonight when I found out that they are moving in two weeks truly shattered my heart is not an understatement. I will miss the way her smile and laughter lights up the room. I will miss running next door for our little chats. I will so miss kissing Eli's bubbly cheeks. And I will most certainly miss Aaron's old soul and great words of wisdom.
Words don't even come close to explain how much I love these three people who have come to mean the world to me.


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