Thanks (((Laura)))

My neighbors Laura and Aaron are from Nebraska. A couple of weeks ago before church they invited Caitlin and I over for a pancake breakfast. Now I'm really not a big fan of pancakes. I find them to be heavy and after I eat too many I usually feel sick.

But we went over, I figured a breakfast before church would be good. So Laura starts the griddle and makes the pancakes. She's such a doll, she evens makes a truck one for Caitlin. Anyways, as I bite into these pancakes Im delighted to find that they are light, fluffy and delicious! I am now addicted to pancakes.

So I go to the store looking all over for some type of pancake mix that looks somewhat similar to the one she has. She did mention that she got them the last time she was at home so I know we didn't have them here but I was looking for something that was light, and fluffy. Well I ended up choosing a box of something can't even remember what it was, but they were not even close to what she had.

Today Caitlin was outside in the yard and she yells for Caitlin to come over she has a surprise for her. So Caitlin and I go over and she pulls from behind her back a bag of "Cooper's Best Pancake Mix"! I'm excited. YAY. I know what we'll be eating for breakfast this weekend.

Seriously I have the best friend and neighbor ever. I love you to pieces doll ♥ And we are so going to enjoy every delicious bite of these pancakes:) Thank you thank you thank you!


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