Uninspired. . .

I'm in the part of Winter where I'm uninspired...just blah, blah, blah feeling.
Sick of being cold and not being able to just grab my camera and go outside and search out some beauty-fullness. I'm definitely not inspired to shoot anything inside. 
I didn't even get out of my pj's today. Of course having a migraine earlier didn't help. So today I have officially accomplished a big fat NOTHING.  I took a nap (which was good because it did get rid of the headache) but did little to accomplish anything else).
I'm ready to go throw open my closet and get out my spring dresses and skirts. To slip on my black high heels and feel girly again. I'm sick of wearing jeans.  I'm ready to go out to the country to Lexi's and sit down by the creek and sip a bottle of wine and  listen to the roosters.
I'm ready to speed down the street in my car with the windows all the way down and sing as loud as I can to Pink.
I'm ready to go to the park, throw my vintage quilt out and write in my journal.
On Spring hurry up! You are taking too long to get here.


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