RIP my darling girl, Sierra

Words  cannot describe how broken my heart is tonight. Caitlin and I had to take our baby girl, Sierra to the Emergency Vet around 7:30 pm where we were informed that she had "bloat" where the stomach twists. By her condition the doctor said that it was apparent that a lot of damage had been done to her organs and tissues and it was probably best to put her to sleep.
We went into the room with her and sat with her, told her we loved her, cried and stayed with her while she left this world. 
We've had her since she was 8 weeks old. She has been with us just 2 months shy of 12 years. She was so loyal to our family and loved us so much. She was the best dog ever.
I'm having her cremated and her ashes will be returned to us and sit upon our fireplace where she will always be in our home and forever in our hearts.
RIP my baby girl. I love you.


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