My tips for Enjoying Your Summer

Summer Time is just the best...
fresh lemonade stands 
walks through tall grass as it brushes pass your bare legs
gusty breezes and wind through hair
jokes between friends and BIG smiles and gut busting laughter
dragon flies that swam pass our heads as we duck to try and miss them
color bursting everywhere and the smell of summer
Lets never forget these days...
string them together like a strand of pearls , weave them together thru knitting needles and keep the memories fresh and alive...breathe that fresh air deeply
live each day fully because life is fragile and short
print those pictures and hang them on the wall...
get out of your comfort zone and do something wild you dared not too
take that risk on love...its better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all
know your circle of friends...
stay away from gossip and lift others up
be the BEST possible version of yourself 
read a lot of books
be PRESENT in the moment you are in
feel the laughter, feel the sadness (just don't stay there too long)
most of all...just L O V E
LOVE with your whole heart, your whole self
always be loving toward everyone
...just  L O V E 


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