Know Your Circle - My Best Friend

We all need a 'special' someone who we can connect with outside of our family. a someone who knows all our fears, our insecurities, who has seen us at our worse and still loves us anyway.
a someone who accepts us for who we are, faults and all, because lets be honest here, no-one is perfect. we all have our demons, our regrets that we cannot change no matter how hard we wish we could.
for the past 14 years that person for me is my best friend, Jen. we have had good times and bad times  but somehow we always manage to move beyond the bad and remember the good that connects us on a deeper level 
there was a time when we didn't talk for a whole year, and that was rough. Jen is like a part of me, my right hand. she is my confident, and the person who is not afraid to tell me when I'm wrong. she tells me when i need to step up my game and be the better person.
life is a struggle. sometimes its hard to find the balance between the real and unreal and when i feel myself falling, its a comfort for me to know that jen can balance me out...give me a different perspective on what is going on in my life at the time. 
I've done life with Jen, and without.  And i definitely need to do Life with her.
Thanks bestie for doing life with me <3 

She Still
She still knows when I need her –
without my asking,
or even hinting why or how
She calls me
and talks me rationally through my
It is her smile that carries my spirit
and whether in photograph,
or in person –
even a glimpse is enough …
to reassure my choices,
to soothe my chaotic mind,
to protect my wounded heart from anything it can’t handle alone
When the world presents itself in a tempest of fury,
her voice is my focal point
When I’m trapped in fractured pieces of a memory,
she reminds me of who I am,
not where I’ve been
Her laugh makes me laugh
Her sadness is mine
Her success is my win too
And though the dark will come,
and the storms will rage,
and the choice won’t always be ours,
she still guards my heart,
and gives me her light
and somehow we make it through
There is no way to tell
at times
who carries who,
but whether by crawling
or flying
it is she –
who brings me back to who I’m meant to be
and who I’d never have known
without her.
(Elle Harris)


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