Goodbye Summer

the weathermen stated tonight that our Indian Summer will be over tomm. Im happy. this summer was a rough one. a lot of battles to get thru but i think, i hope with God's help Im past them for a while and things will settle down some. I hope anyway.
Im so ready for breezy days and cooler night with windows wide open. Movie nights with Caitlin and fires roaring in the fireplace. Im ready for some s l o w i n g down time. summer has always felt rushed to me. rush to get this done, rushed to get that done, work is more busy in the summer (which in itself is a good thing) but come Autumn Im ready for some  d o w n t i m e .
tonight my thoughts are with a casual friend i met thru my work last spring. his mother, his best friend died suddenly and unexpectedly today. my heart is grieving for his loss and for his family. I pray God will sustain them, comfort them and get them through the coming days. 
losing a parent is never easy. i feel like its a part of losing yourself. your mother is the first heartbeat you ever hear, the first voice you recognize. you learn what love is through your mother. im so very fortunate that God has blessed me with having my mother for 56 years. we just celebrated her 91st birthday on the 12th of this month. i just cannot even fathom that kind of pain. and i know it's coming. one day, its coming.
Oh Lord I pray for that family.


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