September Beginnings

September Beginnings

what is it about September that can set my heart a flutter? This week has zoomed by with barely a minute to sister and I celebrated our mother's 91st birthday on Tuesday at Granite City with Bloody Mary's, flatbread pizza and asian salad. God has blessed us greatly with granting my mother a long and healthy life. you would never know to look at her she was 91 years old.
she still drives, lives in her own condo, does her own cooking, she's amazing. I hope if I live to be that old, Im as fortunate as her. 
autumn arrived early for us here in the Midwest. but apparently we are going to have an indian summer this week! go figure.I have a wedding on Saturday and they are calling for a high of 90 degrees! ACK . the leaves are turning already which is 2 to 3 weeks early for us here in Eastern Iowa.
but i love autumn. I can't wait to rack a big pile of them with my babies and jump in. take evening walks under the stars. sit on the back porch with a glass of wine.
Autumn is definitely one of the best seasons ever, and Im glad I live somewhere that I can marvel at her beauty for a couple months.

i had the cutest little newborn shoot today. it's actually my niece's granddaughter, if you can believe that! she is like 2 weeks old.
my baby girl, Luna somehow got outside last night and we cannot find her. Im worried sick about her. i hope that if somebody finds her they will take her to the pound or a vet because she has a chip in her. My poor baby is probably so hungry, don't even know how I'll be able to sleep tonight.


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