Sleepless Nights

ugh...its almost 1am. I started trying to go to bed 2 hours ago but sleep is not my friend tonight. I lay there, stare at the ceiling, roll over, back and forth, fluff pillows twenty times, get out of bed 3 times, once to go to the bathroom, the next to take an extra sleep med, and now finally to type up this blog post, hoping by the time I'm done writing this, I'll be sleepy enough to go back to bed. I loathe nights such as these.
the house is quiet, the only sound coming from the clicking of the keyboard and when the furnace kicks on. we are heading into the last week of October already, feels like she just got here last week.
I'm nowhere near ready for Christmas yet. the spirit just hasn't hit me. I'd like to have more Autumn. Our weather here in the Midwest has been so screwy this year. We basically had no Spring to speak of and went right into Summer in May with 90-degree temps, and stayed that way through the whole season. 
I was really hoping for a longer Autumn and hoping like hell we don't rush into Winter.
so many things going on in the personal life. my sister will be moving in tomm full time. Her husband is going to jail, for how long, we don't know yet, but hoping to find out tomm at this court hearing. it's been an adjustment having Novah here, but a good one. it is so good for my soul to wake up in the morning, rush into her room and catch her first smile of the day. having her here has just brightened up our lives so much more. the holidays should be so much fun this year with the new littles here, Teaghan and Novah. I've got 2 more Weddings left of the season and then will take a short break during the holidays.  I'm nowhere ready to take down my Autumn decor and put up Christmas decorations yet. and this year I'm seriously thinking about getting a "Live" Christmas tree. It's been so many years since we've had a real tree. One thing I am anxious for and that is our first fire of the season and family movie night!
Winter means shorter days and longer nights by the fireplace. Cozied up on the couch with a good book and a cup of tea.



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