Its October!

Days with Novah Jo~
it's October! favorite month of the year. I love the cooler days and nights, the pumpkins everywhere you look, the vibrant colors of red, oranges and browns as they scatter and dance down the street and are shoved into corners. the rainy days when I have nothing to do but to binge on Netflix all day and throw a quick supper in the crockpot!  and now this year I get baby snuggles and kisses anytime I want from my girl, Novah. I can hardly believe in 6 days she will be 3 months old already.
 it has gone by so fast (as it usually does). I just want "time" to stand still for a little bit longer. I want to relish in our baby days and I want them to last longer. I wish I would have spent more one on one time with my children when they were little. I didn't realize at the time how fast their childhood would fly by. So now, I relish every little minute I get to spend with my grandkids.


Also, I am now BOOKING AUTUMN Sessions! If you are interested please get a hold of me soon as these tend to fill up quickly!
Kelly Petersen Photography

the busiest time of the season will be here before we know it!


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