Living with a Grateful Heart

I spent the morning with Novah this morning. I can't believe in 2 days she will be 4 months old already. It feels like we just brought her home yesterday. She is such a blessing and a delight for me. I love every morning creeping into her room and being greeted with her vivacious smile, it just sends such a warm and fuzzy feeling through to my soul. 
the time I spend with her is so sacred and precious.
it's dreary today and windy! grey cloudless skies loom above as they have for the last 3 days, and rain, lots of rain. we basically went right from summer, into cold, grey winter. we had a few nice days sprinkled in there but not near enough. this year summer came early (in May) and now it looks as though winter will come earlier than normal as well. I'm sort of looking forward to down days spent at home in front of the fireplace with a good book and binge-watching Netflix. I'm looking forward to the Weddings being caught up (I just have one left to do for the season, and it's a short one) and then work will slow down for a bit, and I'm ready for ( s l o w ) easy days for a while. A chance to get caught up on blog posts, more time with my grandkids, and more time of just doing nothing!

I  haven't done a bible study in what feels like forever. So, yesterday I started "Treasure of Darkness" a 9-week course written by Jane Johnson. 2 days in and I'm digging through Scripture with a grateful heart. this will be a good study for me as it focuses on forgiving and grace which are two area's I could definitely use some help in. 



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