Grief & Autumn

 I took a walk in the woods today. the wind was howling as it brushed my hair across my face and the leaves were sweeping pass as they were ripped from their limbs. the skies are dark today and match my mood perfectly. sad. grieving my twin sister. worried about my husband's surgery next month.

Autumn is here.
and nature is getting ready to fall into a deep slumber. 
Autumn is a season of change. it wrestles with us to snuggle in and to cozy up. the light is low and the darkness abounds us to scurry indoors. to cuddle by the fire with warm herbal tea and good books to be read under mounds of blankets. 
it seems a fitting time to be grieving a loss of someone you love.

My heart is sadded for a wife who just unexpectedly lost her husband last night, and 2 daughters who lost their father. A brutal shock as been forced upon them unwillingly and now they must navigate thru this new truth that has turned their world upside down.  It's hard, and raw to accept something you don't want to be true. you battle against this new truth every day and you do everything you can not to face it. it's crippling.  and death takes a part of the living left behind. you are never the same person as you were before your loss. 

So tonight I pray for this family and if you've never loss anyone close to you, you are blessed.  spend everyday hugging your loved ones and filling your soul with making as many good memories as you can.



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