Summer Blues. . .

Dang....I never thought I'd say this but I can't wait for Autumn to get here. This summer has been beyond stressful, and the heat has been brutal. Work has been extremely slow which in a way has been good because the heat has been so bad but not so good on the wallet:(
Haven't really got to enjoy much outdoor activities because of the weather and Caitlin goes back to school a week from Monday already. So where has summer gone? I feel as though we didn't even get one this year.
To say that I'm a tad disappointed would be a huge understatement.

I just want one nice day with a cool gentle breeze, a  cozy blanket, at the park with my girls and my Polaroid camera. A day to sit back, share secrets, snap gorgeous photographs, write in my journal, take a nap and just enjoy simple.
That's all I want tonight.


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