My Caitlin

.Sigh. I hate that she is growing up so fast. I hate that she thinks she knows everything and yet she knows nothing of the dangers of the world and all the evilness that lurks out there. I hate that I can't not be with her every second to protect her and that she is gaining more independence every day; wanting to spread her wings and fly. I hate that it seems like just yesterday she started Jr. High and now next year is her last year already.
I hate that boys are noticing her and liking her and she is responding back and that when I try and talk to her it goes in one ear and out the other.
I hate the fact that I cannot stop her from making mistakes; and I can only hope that she learns from them. 
I do however love that she is a free spirit and her soul shines.  I love that she has spunk and is not afraid to try new things. I love that she is artistic and loves animals. I love that she is silly and will dance around the room even if everyone is looking.
My girl Cate. Please don't grow up too fast. Stop and smell the flowers along the way and enjoy these carefree years baby.


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