
It's Winter. I'm tired of being cooped up in the house and not being able to just grab my camera on a whim and out the door I go.
Im waiting for snow.
Spending days at my "happy" place - the bookstore.
Flipping through countless magazines, yearning to get outside and shoot
We are almost into the New Year, winding down the last days of December 2014.
Laided back days, reading 
lavender candles dimly lit. 
Christmas decorations are taken down, and packed away for another year.
And I'm enclosed inside my home, my haven from the world
surrounded by my photos, books and scented candles that I love.



  1. That was a very nice blog and pics, thanks for sharing your realest feelings~

  2. I'm having trouble figuring out which I like better. Your photos or your writings. I am so glad to call you...Friend.

  3. Paul - thank you darling. I'm so glad to call you "friend" as well.


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