
has been a trying month
uncertainty and tension filled in the air
L O N G days and even Longer nights
I hate the month of January...I always have 
its such a let down after all the flurry of
activities  in December
Its a lonely month
everyone goes back to there normal routines
the house looks plain without all the holidays decorations
and my mind seems to get restless

I always feel exhausted during the month of January
most of the days are
grey and bleak
i don't want to do much of anything
but lay around the house
and read or listen to music
even my passion for photography takes a negative hit
my inspiration lies dormant, like the flowers waiting
for that first day of warm breezes and waiting to spring forth
budding from the ground after a long
Our Limitations is God's opportunity. When you get all the way to the end of your rope and there is nothing you can do, thats when God takes over.


  1. I never felt as strongly about it as I do now, but my eyes have been opened, and I agree. January is a sad and lonely month. We say goodbye to so much happiness, and begin trudging through our "normal" lives. Struggling to find our next ray of sunshine.


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