Novah Brushes Teeth

There's something so joyful in watching a young child experience things we do every day and think nothing of it.  Mostly because it's a daily routine for us. But for my 20-month old granddaughter  brushing her teeth is one of the most grandest things of all.
There is nothing more gratifying to me than to watch children.  To study the way the water trickles gently over 1 year old fingers and hands. the cold water  and  the expression in that little face as she learns between hot and cold.  the fascination at watching the water flow down the drain.
In the morning I like to lay under the covers after I first wake up and pretty soon I hear little pitter patter feet bouncing down the hallway, screaming as loud as she can , "Nannnniiieeee"

I'm so blessed that my youngest daughter lives at home still and I get to watch my babies change everyday. I get morning kisses and big  nighttime Squeezes.  Things that when my own children were little I was too busy for. There always needed something done. I just didn't realize then how fast they would grow up. I didn't know that when I blinked, ten years had pasted. and in one single fast paced world, my babies were grown and had flown away.

I'm so blessed that I picked up a camera one day and decided to document my grandchildren's lives. nothing spectacular, just, simple everyday little things that make us a family, and our house a home.
things that you think will always be available to you:

A Family
People who are there for you
they have your back
they love you and they are your people.

Making Memories

Preserving those little bits of innocence that make up many tiny moments in a single day.
It all just goes by too fast. So it's hard for me when I hear someone complain about something. I just want to shake them, and ask to tell me 3 things that they have and take for granted everyday. I think if we all keep" still hope" in our hearts and truly live in the moment you find yourself in
we'd all be a lot  happier. Our time here on this earth is truly so short, we should all live the best we can while we are here because we really don't have time to waste being angry, bitter, resentful, or hateful. So much time is wasted in being negative.

Look around your surrounds right now, right where you are
I'm sure you can find something to
smile about, right?
I hope so, I pray so.



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