Lunch | Mini Tacos 

Jumping was just too much for him, he couldn't take it.

Just up from Nap time, looking around.

Caitlin's home. Stuff dropped off in the Entry.

Him's a happy boy.

Novah day dreaming, looking out the window

dirty piggies Novah 

this is what I woke up to one day this week. Messy kitchen 

Baby hair (mini buns)

Eating our Chocolate Easter Bunny 

Chocolate face 

Should be able to get outside more starting next week. The temps are going up!

Novah playing Mommy with her babies


Novah digging in the snack drawer


Creamy, dreamy Novah in hazy soft light 

something Blue to sit on my desk, fresh flowers are always good

Dinner time. Novah is getting real good at eating with a fork and spoon. 

this sums the week up at the Petersen House.



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