Summer Days Update

S U M M E R  2020

Summer days
July 4th coming up this weekend. although people have been lighting off fireworks for weeks. they shouldn't be able to do that, i don't think. it's irritating and my dogs freak out. and that is not a good time.

Legend is 9 months old now. He's crawling and babbling and he has the sweetest smile ever that just melts my Nannie heart.
Novah's birthday is coming up also July 8th. So the next 2 weekends over here will be busy entertaining, with lots of food and family time.

Alayna has been staying with me most of the summer so far. it's nice. I like the company during the day. it's almost like having a teenage daughter home again. Caitlin, Vale and Legend and Novah have seemed to settle down into a nice little family. they live only about 6 blocks away so anytime i'm missing my little ones i can easily hop across down the street.

we bought a new car last weekend. My Hyundai Elantra was 13 years old and it was time for a new one. we got a great interest rate so our payments are low. We ended up getting the same exact car only a 2018. I love it! I was good driving my older car, but now I'm glad that we have the new car as well.

I haven't been shooting a lot this summer. Not many people are booking photography sessions and that makes my heart sad. I know a lot of people are out of work and probably can't afford it, but I'm really missing doing what I love.

At least sometime next week I'll take Novah out for her 2nd year birthday photos.

I hope y'all are being safe, wearing your masks and keeping your distance. I pray this Virus will end soon.



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