Days with Alayna

I  can't believe that next month my Princess will be 4. Sigh.
It went by so fast.
I want to keep her little like this forever.
Three has been such a good age. Full of laughter, learning, lots of love
and magical whimsy. Nannie & Alayna girl's days. Laying in bed, playing match games
and sharing secrets. Her talking about 'monsters' under the bed and I trying to teach her about strangers and staying safe.
My baby is growing up. Too quickly. And I don't like it.
I don't want to send her off to pre-school this year. I can't imagine leaving her somewhere where her mother or I won't be. Where we won't be able to be there with her; like we have for the past almost 4 years.
I'm not even near ready to let her go. Not even a little.
Not yet.


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