This Is Life...

In the Last ten days, I have heard of an 18 year old girl die of a drug overdose, a young healthy 2 year old precious beautiful baby girl unexpectedly and swiftly die days before her 2nd birthday. And on the same day saw a photograph of a friends baby girl entered into this world.

Two young lives snatched quickly and unexpectedly before their time, leaving behind shocked, bewildered parents, siblings, and family and friends.

This is life.

And for two families right now they are struggling to figure it out. And asking questions, Why. And, "If only I had....did this....Or did that...."
Why God has destroyed their life, broken their hearts and took away the most precious thing in the world to them.
While another family is feeling grateful, and blessed.

This is life.

Life is hard. It doesn't always make sense and we will never understand it or know why things happen the way they do. Why some of us have to endure terrible suffering and pain and others don't.

This is Life.

So tonight before I go to bed, I'm going to hug my children extra tight, give them extra kisses and tell them how grateful I am for each and every one of them;  every day.
When I tuck Caitlin in, I'm going to stoke her beautiful blonde hair and gaze into her beautiful face. And she will be embarrassed and tell me to go away because she is 12, but I don't care.

Because in a mere of a second your whole life could change and we have no say or control over it. It's scary how one day can be so normal and the next day could change your life forever.

This is Life. No one said it would be easy or fair.
And it's not either.

Live each day as if it were your last. Tell your loved ones how much they mean to you and how much you love them. Show them. Everyday. Fight to enjoy the simple things. Cherish the laughter, the smiles, the get togethers. Remember what's really important and to not take it for granted.



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