A Letter to my Darling Cate

My beautiful gorgeous Cate. Your beauty stuns me everyday. It takes my breath away. I want to close my eyes and go back to when you were three. When you didn't know everything you know now. When you still thought the world was a happy place and you didn't know any sadness. Growing up is hard my darling. I know how easy it is to get lost in this big crazy world my darling. You will have bad days; everyone does, but I pray that the good ones outweigh the bad ones.  Please be good to yourself - don't abuse your body or let anyone else make you feel less than what you are worth. You are special my darling - a light in the darkness and don't you ever forget it.
When days are bad look to the Lord to guide you - he will always be there for you and guide you in the right path. Put your whole heart and soul into him. And Mommy will always be here for you too if not in the physical form, I will be with you always in your soul.
Love Mommy


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