
So I don't know why this year I'm so in the holiday spirit. For the last couple of years the thought of Christmas just dragged me down. Not this year!  This year I'm  ready to go. Yesterday I spend the day sprucing up the house for the holidays.  I decided to go with a little tree this year. It's much easier to drag down from the attic and I don't have to move any furniture out to make room for it.  

Clients remember I've got a SPECIAL running right now for Christmas....Book now to take  full advantage of it...includes Christmas you don't want to delay!

I'm also giving away a FREE BIRTH PHOTOGRAPHY session to anyone who is pregnant right now. If you are interested in having birth photographs taken email me at: and tell me why you think you deserve a free session! I'll be picking a winner soon!  These are so awesome to have so consider it seriously. 

You must live in the Quad City Area!
Hope everyone has a fabulous Sunday


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