Friday is....

i love this month. you never know if it is going to bring sunshine or rain but it definitely ushers in lush green grasses and may flowers. it's opening windows after a LONG winter and finally being able to breathe in fresh spring air.

today was hanging out at the mall with alayna, cream soda and sugar cookies. it was snapping photos of my gorgeous girl and realizing sadly how fast time is going by.
its talks on the couch with caitlin and stetson and laughter filling the house.
its letting the dirty dishes sit in the kitchen sink till tomm so as not to miss anything that going on in the other room with the people i love.
its sitting in sweat pants and sipping berry ice tea. its laying in bed with my princess
and only getting  through 4 pages of " The Velveteen Rabbit" before looking over
at my boo passed out.
it's listening to caitlin talking about farts - yes our family can be a little gross sometimes...we are raw and real
its the little things
its the ordinary moments
its my life and tonight....
i'm happy. 
for just one night
 everything is right in the world.
everything is perfect.


  1. Once again, reading this I realize I am smiling. Your writing tells a story that I can believe was meant for me to read. I feel like I was there, listening to you tell it, instead of reading words on a screen.


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