...Hello God, its me again....

Last week i twirled under sunny skies and warm breezes  flirted through my hair, spring was in the air and she was teasing me
as i basked in joy at the promise of Spring dancing on the edge...i breathed it in because i knew it was still february  and just as quickly as she sneaked in the front door she would be racing to go out the back.
i tried to tell myself to live in this moment, this day, the here and now
because i knew when winter came crashing back in i would be disappointed
so i  appreciated the break in the weather to carry me through until spring would soon  usher in and stay for good...

yesterday we had snow...just a little to turn the brown grass to white
and howling winds as my wind chimes belted out a new melody...
i haven't felt like doing much lately so i've had to push myself to get out of the house, get dressed, put on make-up, do my hair and even though it seems like such a chore at the time, i always feel so much better when i do it...
yesterday i learned of an old friend who passed away suddenly and unexpected  on wednesday 
someone who i am good friends with his sister and have known the whole family since i was five....
it just reminded me how quickly our time on earth is, and also how very fast it dissipates ...

friday night  i went out with Jen and the girls for tea and hors d'oeuvres 
last night i tried out a new church with my friend Brian and signed up for a 8 week bible study that starts at the end of March

well today is blah....
dirty laundry staring at me from the past week
however i did manage to get the dishes done and kitchen cleaned.
alas that never last long though...the cleanness

ive been moving through the motions of living this last week, 
clinging to the Word of God
to get me through another hour and another day....
cause i know he will never forsake me, nor ever leave me...
I know when people let me down
it will be Jesus standing there with his hand extended toward mine
with a smile on his face and a sadness in his heart, he will pick me up for the billionth time
and i will walk off with 'hope' for a new day filled with grace and mercy of this wonderful God of mine.


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