the last days of February

the last days of february are upon us.  monday finds my stomach twisted in knots at the loss of 4 trees  cut down across the street from my front window. when i moved into this house 17 years ago, they trees were barely little sticks. Over the last 17 years i've watched them grow, limbs reaching toward the heavenly skies. every spring i watch the buds open and fill the empty space with a fullness that weathers through summer. in autumn i watch them one by one as the leaves dance their way to the ground always in a graceful swirl. 
but now....
now they are gone...the  city has for some reason cut them down
and tossed the bare limbs into the tree grinder shredding them  to bits of nothingness .

Every spring  id sit in the living room, and watched the progress of the new leaves opening up  until they were full and lush,  limbs hanging over the street, a welcome covering of shade on those brutal hot summer days here in the Midwest
i watched them spring forth from thin sticks in the ground to full rounded out trees
and now..
they are simply gone....
today, the last 2nd day before february ends and march rolls in
today is filled filled with errands
grocery shopping, laundry
and an aching to neither one

March will arrive in 2 days
it is filled with the birthdays of my two daughters
she came quickly this year, which is dandy for me because i bask in Spring
im  a tulip that hibernates in winter and at the first sign of spring
opens her petals  and reaches toward the blue skies, ready to take on the world.

Im thinking flowers today
a big bouquet of all kinds to grace every room in the house...
to bring a happy in my heart and a smile across my face....
yes, thats what im thinking today
the last 2nd day  before February waves us goodbye.


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